Testing multiple Python versions in Codeship

Lately, I've been looking for better CI-CD tools for my projects. I heard about Codeship on a Podcast and I thought I would give it a shot. Infact, I'm now using Codeship to build and deploy the contents of this blog. Unfortunately, they currently don't have the greatest setup for …


Alchemize - Easy (De)serialization Models

I just released a new small project of mine called Alchemize. Lately, I've been writing a lot of clients and services in Python and I've noticed that there tends to be quite a bit of code duplication between the data models that interact with the DB's and APIs. It seems …


Specter 0.2.0 Release

Fresh off the press! This evening I have pushed up the latest version the Specter up on PyPI. For those who aren't familiar with it, Specter is a Python testing framework inspired from RSpec and Jasmine. One of the primary goals around Specter is to bring a more expressive and …


Packmap - Python Package Dependency Mapping

A month or so ago I ran into an issue where a nested dependency for one of the projects I've been working on changed and caused a significant number of tests to start failing. Unfortunately, it took me hours to try to determine which one of the huge number of …

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